Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What is the No Child Left Behind Act?

From this article, I learnd that the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was signed into law in 2002, by President George Bush. This law affects schools that recieve what is called the, "Title I Funding" which is granted to school districts around the nation that have students at the poverty level and also to schools who are most at risk for low academic achievement. I wonder if private schools or charter schools such as the one I attend are affected by this? According to statistics, 90 percent of secondary and elementary schools around the nation currently recieve funding from this grant. To make this act have a greater affect on students nationwide they currently have a list of goals that they are trying to achieve. A couple of these goals are, for all students to be profient in reading by the end of third grade. They hope to have this goal accomplished by the end of the 2013-14 school year. One of there other goals is to obtain highly qualified teacher for every core academic class.

As this is my first article I have read so far about the No Child Left Behind Act, I still have several questions about this concept.

1. Why are goverment officials and teachers around the nation against this act?

2. Does this act affect charter schools and private schools?

3. Is this act still in motion?

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